Prestashop Theme and Module translation
Prestashop supports multiple languages environment. Your Prestashop store can be configured to be a Multi-lingual website. A multi-lingual website will be useful and a key for your business when you run your business in different countries.
In this writing, we will show you how to translate Leo Prestashop theme and module (actually, it is used for all themes, modules translation).
From back-end of your site, go to: Localization --> Translation
Access the translation menu
Now, you need to add new language (if the language you want to translate is not added). If you have the language to translated added, you should also update it
Add new language
For the first time you translate, you can copy language from translated theme to the new theme that you want to translate. This can save much time. But becareful when using this option because when you copy, it will override the language of the theme that you copy to.
Copy language to new theme
Select theme or module to translate
You can translate any sections in the list, but we will focus on the 3 most important sections: Front-page, Back-end and Installed Modules.
Files for translation in template folder
The files for translation of template is located in template folder themes/theme_name
Select to translate Front-Office
Make sure you select the section for translation is: Front offices translation then select theme you want to translate and remember to select language you want to translate to.
Translate missing expressions
Now, translate the missing expressions for the Front-offices. After finishing translating, make user you click on the button: Update Translations
Update translations
Select to translate Back Office
When you translate for Back Office, you need to select section for translation is: Back Office translations. You don't need to select theme, just make sure you select language you want to translate the Back Office to
Elements in back office can be translated
You can translate every element from back office of your site
Select to translate installed modules
When you translate for installed module, you need to select section for translation is: Installed Modules translations. Then select theme and select language you want to translate the installed module to
Translate mission expressions of installed modules
Now select the modules you want to translate, all possible translated expressions of module will be listed here, just find the expressions then translate theme. After done, please keep in mind to update translations by clicking on the button: Update translation
If you can not save, set the permissions of the language files. Make sure the language files are editable.
Language files are editable
This Package packed All Modules, Templates, Userguide, DataSameple. By using this package, you will get the site the same as the demo
All our templates are delivered with source Adobe.PSD files.
You can get All of Template, Modules, Plugins... which we use for the demo.
This Package packed All Modules, Templates, Userguide, DataSameple. By using this package, you will get the site the same as the demo.
If you have any problems, please contact us! We will reply as soon as possible we answer all emails within 24 hours.
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