Leo Huntor - Hunting & Outdoor Gear Store Prestashop Theme

About the Theme

Leo Huntor - Hunting & Outdoor Gear Store is a modern Prestashop Theme that compacts tons of wonderful Prestashop theme features, well-built web pages.  It is the perfect template for any online store to start selling gear and equipment products, outdoor activity gears, fishing and hiking, hunting and camping, sleeping over bags, travel and climbing, hiking boots and tools, mountain climbing bikes, hunting gear, and supplies, outdoor accessories. 


If you are looking for a premium Prestashop theme to help you generate leads and earn benefit, Leo Huntor will be a great help by its complete eCommerce solutions. You don’t need to be a webmaster but Leo Huntor will do everything for you. 04+ premade homepage layouts, 12+ shopping pages, 07+ product pages, and plenty of inner pages, which facilitates you to build up any content as you wish to sell your outdoor items. Moreover, Leo Huntor is built on the best Leotheme framework, No.1 Ap page builder Module, and much more powerful Prestashop Theme like Mega menu Module, Leo Blog Module, Leo Slideshow Module, Leo Feature with Add to Cart, Add to Compare, Product Quick view, etc will save you tons of money and time to get a professional online website. 

Importantly, Leo Huntor Hiking and Fishing Shop Prestashop Theme is optimized for SEO, high speed and mobile design. It is also supported with multiple color skins, languages and currencies. Also, our dedicated developer team is ready 24/7 to support you. Therefore, nothing to worry now, just get Leo Huntor, discover its demo to understand why it’s an awesome theme.



 Userguide: Huntor Document

  • Modern Design Modern Design
  • Powerful Framework Powerful Framework
  • Once Click Installation Once Click Installation
  • Professional Support Professional Support

Leo Huntor - Perfect Hunting and Outdoor Gear Online Store

Leo Huntor is perfectly made for outdoor websites to sell gear and equipment products, outdoor activity gears, fishing and hiking, hunting and camping, sleeping over bags, travel and climbing, hiking boots and tools, mountain climbing bikes, hunting gear and supplies, outdoor accessories. 




Leo HuntorModern Hunting & Camping Outdoor Prestashop Theme


04+ Impressive Outdoor Homepage Designs for Hunting & Fishing

As acknowledgment of how important a stunning website can help merchants get more leads and conversion, developers from Leotheme attentively work to provide online store owners with 04+ modern and unique homepage designs with a lot of features inside.  Those are exactly matching and even more than what an eCommerce website owner can expect. It is way too easy and time-saving to get your beloved design with 1-click-installation. 


04+ Pre-built Hunting & Outdoor Homepage Layouts Stunning web look and design to generate more lead and conversion


Build Outdoor Shop Effortlessly With Powerful Drag n Drop Page Builder

Being the newest theme among hundreds of premium Prestashop themes developed by Ap Page Builder Module and Leotheme Framework, Leo Huntor for Hunting & Outdoor Store makes it possible for you to build, customize or make any changes to create content or layout easily just by drag n drop available widgets. It is so simple and intuitive for anyone despite being a web amateur or professional. All things are available and user-friendly to build your Prestashop website from header, content, to footer. 



Ap Page Builder & Leotheme FrameworkCustomize your website or build content by drag n drop in intuitive Admin panel


Mobile Optimized for Great Shopping Experience

Following the  eCommerce web design trend, Leo Huntor is totally responsive to make sure a great appearance on any devices like desktop, tablet, laptop, mobile phone. It also gives you the power to adjust and edit easily on any device’s screen.  Bringing your customers the most satisfying online shopping experience for outdoor gear and camping products on your Prestashop website.

Mobile Optimized  Your hunting and outdoor store looks great on any devices


Awesome Hunting Shop Performance

Leo Huntor is carefully  made from every line of code and design, which is aimed to make an incredibly fast website performance.  So you can enjoy the high speed loading, better customer experience from searching, add to cart, check out requests.


 Super Fast Web Performance Leo Huntor is optimized for speed and great performance


Complete eCommerce Solutions to Start Selling Online

Leo Huntor- Hunting and Outdoor Equipment Store is a fabulous Prestashop Theme that provides you complete solutions to start selling online. Not only being built on the powerful leotheme framework, it is also integrated with many strong Prestashop modules and tools to make your business profitable like Ajax cart, Quickview Product, Smart Testimonials, Brandname Showcase, Promotion banner, Shop Product, etc


Complete Solution to Start Online BusinessBoost sale effectively with Leo Huntor


 Splendid Blog Space for Outdoor Activities

Leo Huntor offers a beautiful layout for blogging where you can update the newest outdoor activities, sport news, equipment guides or interesting hiking adventures to engage more customers. You can also easily manage posts, articles, comments in the powerful admin dashboard.



Beautiful Blog Space Engage more customers with useful and interesting blog articles


12+ Fabulous Shopping Pages

 Huntor - Camping and Fishing PrestaShop Theme 1.7 provides you a wide range of fantastic shop page layouts. With 12+ trendy premade shop page designs, you just need to select the layout you love, all the things about your outdoor gear, hunting, camping, hiking products will be displayed attractively as you expect.

12+ Shop Page Layouts Pickup any layout styles for your outdoor shop


07+ Well-designed Product Pages

This Hunting and Outdoor Shop Prestashop Theme is awesome with 07+  premade layouts for Product details pages, all of them are designed creatively to display your product details effectively. Free to pick the best product page style as your favorite. 

Stunning Product Pages Pickup any layouts to present your product detail attractively


Well-built Inner Pages

Leo Huntor cares about all the tasks for you to have a professional website to sell Outdoor gears.  This premium Prestashop theme is only carefully made with homepages,  but it is also attentively built with many other inner pages like About Us, FAQ, 404, Contact Us, Delivery.


Pre-designed Inner Pages



leo huntor hunting_outdoor store prestashop theme



Purchase This Theme
Extra Fee:

Price: 68.00 USD

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Current Version: 1.7.6.x -> 8.1.5
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What Are Included?

    This Package packed All Modules, Templates, Userguide, DataSameple. By using this package, you will get the site the same as the demo


    All our templates are delivered with source Adobe.PSD files.


    You can get All of Template, Modules, Plugins... which we use for the demo.


    This Package packed All Modules, Templates, Userguide, DataSameple. By using this package, you will get the site the same as the demo.


    If you have any problems, please contact us! We will reply as soon as possible we answer all emails within 24 hours.
