Bos Deerus - Unisex Fashion and Accessories

Bos Deerus - Unisex Fashion and Accessories

About the Theme

Bos Deerus is an advanced unisex fashion Prestashop theme that supports multi-store. It possesses an elegant look with a perfect color combination, neat layout, which is perfectly suitable for high-fashion, women clothing, men clothing, accessories, bags, shoes, or glasses stores. It comes with +06 homepages with different layout styles to give you more choice for your shop's appearance. Each of the homepages owns a unique design of the hottest website design trends. It is to mention Home 1,2,3,6 with a full-width design. Especially, the combination of vertical and horizontal mega menu, while the vertical menu is compacted in only one button on the right side is the outstanding feature of the Home 6.  Home 5 is in boxed- large layout, whereas, Home 4 is remarkable with one-page scrolling website design. 

Bos Deerus is built on the best Prestashop, wonderful drag n drop Page Builder, and strong modules like Leo Feature module, Leo Slideshow module, Leo Quick login module, Block Group top, Leo Megamenu module, Leo Blog module. Therefore, you are always guaranteed that your site is equipped with the best utilities to bring the greatest user experience. All is to enable you to build, manage or customize your site in the backend panel with ease and your web-visitor can complement the online purchase conveniently. 

Bos Deerus is compatible with the latest version of Prestashop 1.7.4.x, it is fully responsive and supports both HTML5 and CSS3 that help to create refined web pages with semantic accuracy. 

Let's check out the demo and backend to see how fantastic Bos Deerus is.



  • Modern Design Modern Design
  • Powerful Framework Powerful Framework
  • Once Click Installation Once Click Installation
  • Professional Support Professional Support

What makes Leo Deerus Responsive Prestashop Theme special?


 Bos Deerus - Unisex Fashion and Accessories6+ premade homepages for Fashion and Accessories storeTheme Features for Fashion Prestashop theme-LeothemeExcellent Prestashop Fashion theme 17powerful mega menu-Bos Deerus - Unisex Fashion and AccessoriesAjax cart feature for Unisex Fashion online store

Slide show module for Fashion online store

trending category - unisex fashion and accessories online store

Smart-Blog-Module-Bos Deerus - Unisex Fashion and Accessories

product quickview - best fashion theme

speed optimized

Multi-Product-Detail-Page-Layouts -Bos Deerus-for- Fashion-and-Accessories-theme

Bos Deerus - Unisex Fashion and Accessories

What are included?

  • Quickstart Installation Package

    This Package packed All Modules, Templates, Userguide, DataSameple. By using this package, you will get site having same as the demo 

  • PSD Sources

    All our templates are delivered with source Adobe .PSD files.

  • Included Extension Packages

    You can get All of Template, Modules, Plugins... which we uses for the demo.


  • Designer

    Designed & developed by Leo Theme company

  • Support Contact

    If you have any problems, please contact us! We will reply as soon as possible we answer all emails within 24 hours.

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Price: 68.00 USD

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What Are Included?

    This Package packed All Modules, Templates, Userguide, DataSameple. By using this package, you will get the site the same as the demo


    All our templates are delivered with source Adobe.PSD files.


    You can get All of Template, Modules, Plugins... which we use for the demo.


    This Package packed All Modules, Templates, Userguide, DataSameple. By using this package, you will get the site the same as the demo.


    If you have any problems, please contact us! We will reply as soon as possible we answer all emails within 24 hours.