Leo Goldday - Multistore for Hitech, Digital, Electronics

Leo Goldday - Multistore for Hitech, Digital, Electronics

About the Theme

Leo Goldday is a perfect theme for any Prestashop website to sell diversified products like Hitech, Digital, Electronics, Fashion, Furniture. It comes with 4 different homepages to give you various choices for your stunning store styles. Leo Goldday owns a very attractive look with vivid colours and images, numerous well-organized product and banner blocks and full functions of an eCommerce store.

Besides great features that our modules bring to this responsive Prestashop 1.7 theme, what’s striking most about Leo Goldday is the Product Tab, which allows you to put widgets in tab, each product is in a tab and just by one click, you will be led to the Product categories page promptly. Moreover, the Trending Category makes it possible for you to show product categories with images, title and you are also led to Product Categories page when clicking on images or titles of the items.

What is more, Leo Goldday for Hitech store offers an extensive set of marketing tools. For example, a lot of banners flexible on site together with large slides to show discount product images or hot trend products;  the Today’s Deal with countdown widget to rush your clients buy your products in a period of time. Furthermore, thanks to the media social integration, you can stay connected with other platform, broaden your potential client network like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google+, etc.

Leo Golday is SEO optimized and totally customizable, you can manage and control your site from the backend.

Let try out the demo for more visual experience. If you want to see how customizable Leo Goldday is in the backend, you can access with account information below.

  See backend:   https://demo1.leotheme.com/leo_goldday_demo/admincp

           Account:  demo@demo.com / demodemo


  • Modern Design Modern Design
  • Powerful Framework Powerful Framework
  • Once Click Installation Once Click Installation
  • Professional Support Professional Support

What makes Leo Goldday Responsive Prestashop Theme special?


 Leo Goldday - Multistore for Hitech, Digital, Electronics, Furniture store multi homepage - Leo Goldday - Multistore for Hitech, Digital, Electronics, Furniture storeprestashop 1.7 theme features - Digital templatepwerful prestashop framework - Hitech and Digital storehorizontal mege menu - electronics websiteajax add to cart - Prestashop 1.7 theme for Hitechslideshow module - hitech shop

Product Tab feature - Hitech and Electronic store

trending category - prestashop 1.7 theme for hitech

blog Prestashop module - hitech store

pagebuilder module-product list builder - leo goldday Prestshop theme for hitech store

Leo Goldday - Multistore for Hitech, Digital, Electronics, Furniture store

What are included?

  • Quickstart Installation Package

    This Package packed All Modules, Templates, Userguide, DataSameple. By using this package, you will get site having same as the demo 

  • PSD Sources

    All our templates are delivered with source Adobe .PSD files.

  • Included Extension Packages

    You can get All of Template, Modules, Plugins... which we uses for the demo.


  • Designer

    Designed & developed by Leo Theme company

  • Support Contact

    If you have any problems, please contact us! We will reply as soon as possible we answer all emails within 24 hours.


Purchase This Theme
Extra Fee:

Price: 68.00 USD

Theme detail

Current Version: 1.7.x -> 8.1.5
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What Are Included?

    This Package packed All Modules, Templates, Userguide, DataSameple. By using this package, you will get the site the same as the demo


    All our templates are delivered with source Adobe.PSD files.


    You can get All of Template, Modules, Plugins... which we use for the demo.


    This Package packed All Modules, Templates, Userguide, DataSameple. By using this package, you will get the site the same as the demo.


    If you have any problems, please contact us! We will reply as soon as possible we answer all emails within 24 hours.
