Leo Shopiokids - Baby & Kids Store Prestashop Theme

About the Theme

Leo Shopiokids baby and kids online store Prestashop theme is specially designed for kids toys and clothing, baby items, kids and mama store, fashion, baby shoes, boys and girls shop, accessories, etc and can be adapted to any eCommerce website to sell diversified products.

Leo Shopiokids theme Prestashop comes with 02+ eye-catchy homepage layouts for a baby store, which creates a joyful mood for your customers to buy your baby products from your store. 

Moreover,  Leo Shopiokids template is mobile-first designed so it makes sure your website looks great and performs awesome on any handheld device. Your customers can experience convenient and smart shopping online from any device they own.

Being built on the best Ap Page Builder, Leo Shopiokids theme allows you to customize every page and website just by simple drag-n-drop operations without coding knowledge requirements. Moreover, with 02+ header and footer styles, 07+ product details pages, 12+ product lists, and many pre-built inner and functional pages, Leo Shopiokids offers multiple choices for your online appearance.

Besides that,  Leo Shopiokids boys and girls store theme supports RLT language, multiple color skins, SEO and speed optimization, etc. 


Template Features

02+ home page demo

07+ product details pages

12+ product lists

Multiple header styles
Easy change color template width via the Live theme editor Module.
Can add code CSS, js in the back office
Social login, search ajax
Fly cart
Size guide
Zoom image product page
Prestashop’s default RTL: can use RTL of Leotheme or default RTL
Page builder Module: drag and drop, short code, landing page creator, custom field for product and category.
Product detail builder and support 7+ product layouts.
Live edit theme: change background, text color, header, and footer style
Mega menu module, blog module, responsive slideshow, video slideshow.
Fly cart, wishlist, add to compare, product tab, ajax search.
This Template is compatible with Prestashop 1.7.6.x
This Template is designed for desktops, all tablets, and mobile devices
Template support for Jquery Effects, CSS 3. Multiples modules suffix’s build-in template for module styling.
Impressive built-in content style.
Supports multiple layout options, configured within from back-office.
Easy to add custom HTML module, unique, new, home feature via Leo Manage Widget Module
Support for native language file translation.
Support Multi-language


 Userguide: Shopio Kids Document

  • Modern Design Modern Design
  • Powerful Framework Powerful Framework
  • Once Click Installation Once Click Installation
  • Professional Support Professional Support

Leo Shopiokids - Baby & Kids store Prestashop 1.7 Theme


Leo Shopiokids

 02+ Homepage layouts

The theme includes 02+ colorful homepage layouts with innovative designs that would perfectly fit onto your new or existing online store.


02+ demo layouts

 Responsive on all devices

Leo Shopiokids is designed to be 100% responsive and retina ready. It will make sure your website has a stunning look and is completely adjustable on different screen resolutions like iPad, iPhone, tablet, desktop, laptop, etc.

Responsive on all devices


Friendly theme customizer

Leo Shopiokids is built on the most powerful and user-friendly theme customizer - the Ap page builder module. So just by some drag-n-drop operations, even a web amateur can easily control and manage on-site trading activities or make some customizations

Ap Page Builder module

Profesional drop-down megamenu

Being integrated with Leo Mega menu Prestashop module, Leo Shopiokids baby store theme allows you to build a customizable menu. You can add links, product categories, product images, and product videos so your customer can track wherever they want on your website.

Megamenu Module included


Beautiful Product Tabs

Leo Shopiokids baby & kid toys store theme allows you to display unlimited products in your categories under beautiful tabs. Products are displayed with attractive images, product names, rating stars, discount prices, etc.

product tabs


Intuitive Live theme editor

Without accessing the backend, you can customize your website right from the homepage with the Live theme editor & Panel Tool sticky on the home screen. The intuitive panel tool allows you to change the website layout mod, change theme color, float header, or even change header and footer style, etc just in one click.

Live theme

Shop by age feature

It’s important for a baby and kids online store to sell the correct products to their customers. With Shop by age feature, customers can go to the right place, and find the correct size, kind of toys, or items of clothing for their kids' ages.

Shop by age feature

Multiple Header and Footer styles

Leo Shopiokids baby toys and clothing theme Prestashop comes with 02+ headers and 02+ footers for you to build your webpage. You also can modify it to make your own styles in the backend panel.

header and footer


Product detail pages

With 07+ stylish styles for product pages, Leo Shopiokids offers you more ways to present your baby products to your customers. The more detailed and attractively your product or item is presented, the more likely it is ordered.

product detail pages

Purchase This Theme
Extra Fee:

Price: 68.00 USD

Theme detail

Current Version: 1.7.8.x -> 8.1.5
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Support Policy

What Are Included?

    This Package packed All Modules, Templates, Userguide, DataSameple. By using this package, you will get the site the same as the demo


    All our templates are delivered with source Adobe.PSD files.


    You can get All of Template, Modules, Plugins... which we use for the demo.


    This Package packed All Modules, Templates, Userguide, DataSameple. By using this package, you will get the site the same as the demo.


    If you have any problems, please contact us! We will reply as soon as possible we answer all emails within 24 hours.
