Prestashop Templates

Leo Theme provides a variety of suitable interfaces for different PrestaShop versions 1.6.x, 1.7.x, 8.x. Please visit each PrestaShop templates to see supported versions. 

Results 1 - 18 of 18

Leo Bodoni - Prestashop Wine Theme

68.00 USD
725 Sales

Leo Tea Prestashop Theme

68.00 USD
1161 Sales

Get access to all our collection 300+ Prestashop themes for only $149

And all future Templates are only available as long as you stay subscribed to the LeoTheme

Leo Juice Store Prestashop Theme

68.00 USD
495 Sales

Leo Fresco - Herbal and Spiced Tea shop

68.00 USD
640 Sales

Leo Melino Prestashop Theme

68.00 USD
980 Sales

Leo Bis Prestashop Theme

68.00 USD
494 Sales

Leo Candy Prestashop Theme

68.00 USD
734 Sales

Leo Ice Cream Prestashop Theme

68.00 USD
608 Sales

Leo Taki Prestashop Theme

68.00 USD
535 Sales

Leo Fresh Store Theme

68.00 USD
980 Sales

Leo Wine Store Prestashop

68.00 USD
1019 Sales

Get access to all our collection 20+ Prestashop Modules only $99

And all Update Modules are only available as long as you subscribed to PrestaShop Module Membership

Leo HouseWare Prestashop Theme

68.00 USD
738 Sales

Leo Drug Store Prestashop Theme

68.00 USD
963 Sales

Leo Drinks Prestashop Theme

68.00 USD
786 Sales

Leo Wines Prestashop Theme

68.00 USD
968 Sales

Leo Food Prestashop Theme

68.00 USD
513 Sales

Leo Kitchen Prestashop Theme

68.00 USD
586 Sales

Get access to all our collection 300+ Prestashop themes for only $149

And all future Templates are only available as long as you stay subscribed to the LeoTheme