Leo Quicklogin Userguide

Build up a page easily with Leo Quicklogin that supports variety content types.

First of all, we would like to thank you for using our work.

Leotheme - a website where you can find the best Prestashop theme and Extensions as well. We are proud of our professional themes, extensions. With years of experience working on Opensource, we have created number of great extensions for Prestashop like: Apollo Prestashop Framework, Apollo Prestashop Megamenu Module ...

Leotheme is also famous for custom work, if you have trouble or help with your website, coding, .... you can find us on apollotheme.com then we will support you or give you suggestions.


Apollo Page Buider has been realeased, after buying this module you can download it at our official site apollotheme.com or at other market as Prestashop Addon, Themeforest. In addition, Ap Page Builder is integrated in our prestashop themes. So you can buy our themes and experience the powerful Apollo Page Builder Module.


You can install our modules as other modules extremely easily and quickly. After you buy the module, we will give you FREE installation and quick support if there are problems. Also we integrate the features installed demo data so you can quickly build sites. With powerful features but installation process is quite fast and easy. If customer faces with any problems please contact us. We will always beside you.

When install the module successfully, access Modules then search for Leo Quicklogin, enable it then open its setting panel.

Upload theme

1. QuickLogin

Display in backend

Upload theme

- Enable Quick Login: Enable or Disable Quicklogin

- Enable Redirect To My Account page: Enable or Disable Redirec to my account page(After login or create new account success)

- Hide After Login Success:Enable or Disable After login success (Not show anything at any position while the customer logged)

- Check Login Cookie: Check browser cookie for the login session when the customer come back

- Lifetime Of Login Cookie: Only for enable check login cookie. Default: 28800 minutes = 20 days. 1440 minutes = 1 days. Set 0 to keep login session until the customer logout

- Enable Push Effect: Ony for type is Slidebar

Example enable for hook DisplayTop

- Enable for hook "displayTop": Enable or Disable for hook "DisplayTop"

Upload theme

+ Tyle

  • - Popup: A quicklogin popup appears on screen

    Upload theme

  • - Slidebar Left :Quicklogin displays on the left side of screen

    Upload theme

  • - Slidebar Right :Quicklogin displays on the right side of screen

    Upload theme

  • - Slidebar Top: Quicklogin displays at the top of screen

    Upload theme

  • - Slidebar Bottom : Quicklogin displays at the bottom of screen

    Upload theme

  • - Drop Down : Quicklogin displays bottom-up

    Upload theme

  • - Drop Up: Quicklogin displays up-bottom

    Upload theme

  • - HTML : QuickLogin displays right on page

    Upload theme

+ Layout

    Upload theme

  • - Only Login Form: Here is the code to display the Login/Register/Password form anywhere in your Prestashop theme template:
  • Upload theme

  • - Only Register Form: Here is code to display the First name/ Last name/ Login/ Register/Password form anywhere in your Prestashop the template

    Upload theme

  • - Both login and register form The home page of your site offers both a login and signup form placed

    Upload theme

Similar to"#displaytop">"Enable for hook "displayTop"" , you can display Quicklogin everywhere on page.

- Enable for hook "displayNav1"

- Enable for hook "displayNav2"

- Enable for hook "displayNavFullWidth"

- Enable for hook "displayLeftColumn"

- Enable for hook "displayHome"

- Enable for hook "displayRightColumn"

- Enable for hook "displayFooterBefore"

- Enable for hook "displayFooter"

- Enable for hook "displayFooterAfter"

- Enable for hook "displayLeftColumnProduct"

- Enable for hook "displayFooterProduct"

- Enable for hook "displayRightColumnProduct"

- Enable for hook "displayProductButtons"

- Enable for hook "displayReassurance""

2. Socical Login

- Enable Social Login: Turn on or off Social Login function

- Show Social Login At The Bottom Of Quick Login Form

- Show Text At Button Login With Social Account

- Show Icon Of Social Networks With Library Fontawesome

- Show Text At Button Login With Social Account

- Enable Facebook Login

- Facebook App ID

- Enable Google Login

- Google App Client ID

- Enable Twitter Login

- Twitter App Consumer Key (API Key)

- Twitter App Consumer Secret (API Secret)

Upload theme

a. Create Facebook App

Step 1: Access https://developers.facebook.com

Step 2: Click "Add a New App"

Upload theme

Set name of app then click "Create New App ID"

Upload theme

Step 3: At App Controll Panel, click "Add product" => select "Facebook Login" => click "Setup"

Upload theme

Click "Quick Start" => Select Platform "Web"

Upload theme

Set "Url of your site" connect with this app => Click "Save"

Upload theme

Click "App Review" => Change status of app to "live"

Upload theme

Click “Dashboard” and get app ID. Copy and paste it to config of Leoquicklogin Module

Upload theme

Upload theme

b. Create Google App

Step 1: Access https://console.developers.google.com/projectselector/apis/library

Step 2: Click "Create"

Enter the name of project then click "Create"

Upload theme

Step 3: At API Manager => click "Credentials" => click tab "OAuth consent screen": select email, enter the product name, enter url of your site then click "Save"

Upload theme

Step 4: At API Manager => click "Credentials" => click tab "Credentials" => click "Create credentials" => select "OAuth Client ID"

Upload theme

Select "Web application", enter name of app, enter URL of your site then click "Save"

Upload theme

Step 5: Get "Client ID" then copy and paste it to config of Leoquicklogin module

Upload theme

Upload theme

c. Create Twitter App

Step 1: Access https://apps.twitter.com/

Click "Create New App"

Upload theme

Enter app name, app description, your website, callback URL (like your website), tick agree then click "Create"

Upload theme

Step 2:Go to tab "Settings", enter "Privacy Policy URL" and "Terms Of Service URL" to request email of user (require) then click "Update"

Upload theme

Go to tab "Premissions", tick "Request email address from users" then click "Update"

Upload theme

Go to tab "Keys and access tokens" => click "Create my access token"

Get "Consumer Key (API key)" and "Consumer Secret (API secret)" then copy and paste them to the config of Leoquicklogin

Upload theme

Upload theme

Display outside of FO

Upload theme

You can config module quicklogin via module Appagebuider.

Step 1: Approach "Appagbuilder > Ap Profiles Manage > Edit Design Layout"

Upload theme

Step 2: Add new widget

Upload theme

Upload theme

Add new widget Quicklogin Module

- Select type: Allow you to choose the form of displaying for Quicklogin Module

+ Select type: Popup

+ Select type: Slidebar Left

+ Select type: Slidebar right

+ Select type: Slidebar Top

+ Select type: Slidebar Bottom

+ Select type: Drop Down

+ Select type: Drop Up

+ Select type: Html

Select layout: Allow you to choose layout for Quicklogin

+ Only login form

+ Only Register form

+ Both login and register form

Show Social Login

+ Yes

+ No

Override Folder

2. Add Quicklogin into file ".tpl" at different pages

It is easy to call a hook from within a template file (.tpl): you simply have to use its name with the hook function.

	{hook h="displayLeoQuickLogin"}
	{hook h="displayLeoQuickLogin" type="dropdown" layout="both"}
	{hook h="displayLeoQuickLogin" type="dropUP" layout="REGISTER"}
	{hook h="displayLeoQuickLogin" type="drop" layout="boTH"}

Here you can write in 3 diffrent ways

- Default Type 1: {hook h="displayLeoQuickLogin"}

Seclect tyle: Popup, Seclect layout: Only Login Form,

- Type 2 : {hook h="displayLeoQuickLogin" type="dropdown"}

Seclect tyle: Dropdown, Seclect Layout: Only Login Form

- Type 3: {hook h="displayLeoQuickLogin" layout="both"}

Seclect Tyle: Popup, Seclect Layout: Both login and register form

- Besides, you can write both type and layout as bellow : {hook h="displayLeoQuickLogin" type="dropdown" layout="both"}

Select Type: Popup, slidebar_left, slidebar_right, slidebar_top, slidebar_bottom, dropdown, dropup, html

Seclect Layout: login, register, both

Default Seclect Tyle: Popup, Default Seclect Layout: Login

For example: You want Quicklogin to display at product page

Step1: You just need to go to file "product.tpl"

Follow the link to the bellow file


Step2 : Copy Hook function

	{hook h="displayLeoQuickLogin"}
	{hook h="displayLeoQuickLogin" type="dropdown" layout="both"}
	{hook h="displayLeoQuickLogin" type="dropUP" layout="REGISTER"}
	{hook h="displayLeoQuickLogin" type="drop" layout="boTH"}

Step3: Paste vào file "product.tpl"

Upload theme

Display outside FO

Upload theme

Thank you for reading!

We hope you can create the best website with our themes.

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If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to contact us.