1. Display Nav 1
- Front End

1.1 Widget HTML

<div class="phone">Hotline : 0123 456 789</div>
1.2 Widget HTML
( Configure Widget HTML
follow link )
<div class="time">Open Time : Mon - Sat 9:30 am - 6:30 pm</div>
1.3 Module Customer "Sign in" link
Configure Customer "Sign in" link( Backend > Modules > Modules & Services > Installed modules > Customer "Sign in" link)

+ You can edit "ps_customersignin.tpl" at: \themes\THEME_NAME\modules\ps_customersignin\ps_customersignin.tpl
1.4 Module Language selector

1.5 Module Currency selector

1. Display Nav 2
- Front End
( Watch here
follow link )
2.1 Logo Generate code

2.1.1 Edit Widget Generate code

2.1.2 HTML Generate code
<div class="header_logo text-xs-center">
<a href="{$urls.base_url}">
<img class="logo img-fluid" src="{$shop.logo}" alt="{$shop.name}">
2.1.3 Change Logo
Backend > Preferences > Themes

2.2 Module Search bar
Configure Search bar( Backend > Modules > Modules & Services > Installed modules > Search bar)

+ You can edit "ps_searchbar.tpl" at: \themes\THEME_NAME\modules\ps_searchbar\ps_searchbar.tpl
2.3 Wishlist Generate code
2.1.2 HTML Generate code
href="{url entity='module' name='leofeature' controller='mywishlist'}"
title="{l s='Wishlist' d='Shop.Theme.Global'}"
<span>{l s='Wishlist' d='Shop.Theme.Global'}</span>
<span class="ap-total-wishlist ap-total"></span>
2.4 Compare Generate code
2.1.2 HTML Generate code
class="ap-compare "
href="{url entity='module' name='leofeature' controller='productscompare'}"
title="{l s='Compare' d='Shop.Theme.Global'}"
<span>{l s='Compare' d='Shop.Theme.Global'}</span>
<span class="ap-total-compare ap-total"></span>
2.5 Module Shopping cart
Configure Shopping cart( Backend > Modules > Modules & Services > Installed modules > Shopping cart)

+ You can edit "ps_shoppingcart.tpl" at: \themes\THEME_NAME\modules\ps_shoppingcart\ps_shoppingcart.tpl
3. Display Top
- Front End

2.1 Leo Bootstrap Megamenu
- You can read guide in link (Blog Guide)
- Front end

- Configure Leo Bootstrap Megamenu(Backend > Modules > Modules & Services > Installed modules > Leo Bootstrap Megamenu)

+ Or you can configure this module follow link(Backend > Backend > Modules > Leo Megamenu Configuration)

- Back end
+ Edit Group

+ Edit Megamenu

+ Edit Widget

+ You can using "Live Edit Tools" To Make Rich Content For Megamenu

+ HTML code for add banner
<p><img class="img-fluid" src="/prestashop/dev/new/leo_sutamura/themes/leo_sutamura/assets/img/
modules/leobootstrapmenu/banner_menu1.jpg" alt="" /></p>
2.2 Leo Bootstrap Megamenu
( Configure Module Megamenu
follow link )
2.3 Widget HTML
( Configure Widget HTML
follow link )
<div class="ship">Free Shipping on Orders $50+</div>
4. Display Home
- Front End

- Configure Apollo Page Builder ( Backend > Ap PageBuilder > Ap Profiles Manage > Select Shop 1 > View )

4.1 Configure Leo SlideShow
- You can read guide in link (Blog Guide)
- Configure Leo SlideShow(Backend > Modules > Modules & Services > Installed modules > Leo SlideShow)

+ Or you can configure this module follow link(Backend > Backend > Modules > Leo SlideShow Configuration)

- Configure Leo Slideshow for your homepage
+ Select Manages Sliders

+ Select Hook

+ Configure Image Setting

+ Configure CSS Setting

+ Edit Slider

4.2 Widget Image

+ Edit Image

+ Select change Image

4.3 Widget Image ( Configure Widget Image follow link )
4.4 Widget HTML ( Configure Widget HTML follow link )
<p><a href="2-home" class="btn btn-more">View All +</a></p>
4.5 Widget Category Image

4.5 Widget Category Image
4.10 Widget Category Image
4.10 Widget Category Image
4.10 Widget Category Image
4.10 Widget Category Image
4.11 Widget Category Image
4.12 Widget Image
( Configure Widget Image
follow link )
4.13 Widget Product Carousel
- Edit Product Carousel

4.14 Widget Product Carousel
4.15 Widget Category Image
4.16 Widget Image
4.17 Widget Product Carousel
4.18 Widget Product Carousel
4.19 Widget Category Image
4.20 Widget Image
4.21 Widget Product Carousel
4.22 Widget Product Carousel
4.23 Widget Image
4.24 Widget Product Carousel
4.25 Widget Image
4.26 Widget Product Carousel
4.27 Widget Blog
Leo Blogs(Backend > Modules > Leo Blogs)
- You can read guide in link (Blog Guide)
2.1.1 Create blogs(Backend > Blog management)
+ This leoblogs module suport management blogs article and blog category.
2.2.2 Configure Widget Form the Blog

1. Layout Structure 2

2. Configure Profile shop 2 ( Backend > Ap PageBuilder > Ap Profiles Manage > Select Home 2 > View )

1. Layout Structure 3

2. Configure Profile shop 3 ( Backend > Ap PageBuilder > Ap Profiles Manage > Select Home 3 > View )

1. Layout Structure 4

2. Configure Profile shop 4 ( Backend > Ap PageBuilder > Ap Profiles Manage > Select Home 4 > View )

1. Themes translations(Backend > International > Translations)

2. Back office translations(Backend > International > Translations)

3. Installed modules translations(Backend > International > Translations)